隅田川花火大会 Sumida River Firework Festival

HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSAの屋上からは、隅田川花火大会が良く見えます。隅田川花火大会は7月最終週の土曜日に行われる花火大会で、東京で一番有名な花火大会です。

From the rooftop of HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSA, you can get a great view of the Sumida River Fireworks Festival, which takes place on the last Saturday of July and is the most famous fireworks festival in Tokyo.


This year, we held a rooftop party to watch the Sumida River Fireworks Festival, inviting hotel guests, fellow hosts, and neighbors. It was wonderful to see guests from Italy, France, and Korea interacting in English while watching the fireworks.

来年2025年は7月26日の開催です。ぜひHOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSAにお越し頂き、一緒に花火を観ましょう!

Next year, 2025, the event will be held on July 26th. Please come to HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSA and let’s watch the fireworks together!

I received a letter of thanks from a guest. I’m so impressed!

新年あけましておめでとうございます A happy new year 2023


おかげさまで、HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSAは開業4年目を迎えました。開業してからほとんどの期間がコロナ禍での苦しい経営でしたが、コロナ禍でも多くのお客様に来て頂き、素敵な出会いをたくさん経験しました。そして、昨年10月から海外からのお客様の日本観光が本格的に再開され、このホテルも多くの海外のお客様をお迎えしています。今年こそは、日本の美しい桜を海外のお客様に見て頂くことができそうです。

Happy New Year 2023!

Thanks to your support, HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSA has been in business for 4 years. Most of the time since we opened, we have had a hard time managing the COVID 19 pandemic, but even with the COVID 19 pandemic, we have had many customers and experienced many wonderful encounters. And since last October, overseas guests have resumed full-scale sightseeing in Japan, and this hotel has also welcomed many overseas guests. This year, we are sure that we will be able to show our overseas guests the beautiful cherry blossoms of Japan.



Finally, we have taken the first step toward becoming the hotel that we aspired to be when we opened our doors, a hotel that will brighten the memories of once-in-a-lifetime sightseeing in Japan for our international guests. There are still areas of the hotel’s service that need improvement, and this year I hope to make the hotel even more enjoyable for our guests. However, I will continue to be conscious of the hotel’s origins…the good things about this hotel…being close to tourist attractions, relaxing, and clean…and I will continue to clean the hotel.

This year, we will also continue to make videos about sightseeing in Tokyo. I wish you all the best for another year of wonderful encounters with our guests. Thank you in advance for your kind attention.

日本が開国されました!Japan has finally opens border!


As of last week, individual tourists from abroad can finally enter Japan without a visa. This is the so-called “opening of the country”. After three years of the Civid pandemic, normalcy has finally returned to the tourism industry and to my hotel. Since last week, guests from Taiwan, the U.S., Germany, France, South Korea have been visiting my hotel. For my hotel, which has always aspired to international exchange, I feel as if we have finally reached our starting point.


On the other hand, I will never forget the Japanese guests, mostly living abroad, who came to my hotel during the last three years of the Covid pandemic instead of the international tourists who could not come. They were truly wonderful guests, and many of them have become like friends. We went out for dinner many times, sent each other gifts, corresponded frequently on LINE… I can only be thankful for the miracle of making friends, even though I am supposed to be working for them. They are all my friends and my benefactors. I will continue to be grateful to them for the rest of my life.


Now, with the resurgence of international visitors today, what we want our hotels to offer is a “once-in-a-lifetime experience, unique to a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Tokyo”. We want them to know the real Tokyo, not just shopping, and we want them to have memories that will last a lifetime. We would like to increase our partners more and more to become such a hotel and guide our guests on their travels. I  made a video of the kimono rickshaw experience in Asakusa. My friend’s daughter is in the video, please take a look.

浅草の三社祭 Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa


Asakusa’s famous Sanja Festival was held for the first time in three years this year. Although it is still not in its original form, the floats went around the town and attracted a large crowd of spectators. I hope you can take a look at the scene.

お客様に育てて頂く職業 An occupation that grows with support of customers


This week is Golden Holiday Week in Japan and this hotel welcomed many guests. I was so busy that my mind was restless. Then, I heard a story at a church this morning, and I suddenly woke up.


The Bible says. God will give you trials. Everything you gain from them is also a gift from God. Don’t think that you could have done everything by yourself. Everything you have gained is a gift from God.” When I heard these words, I was taken aback.


For the past two years, I have managed to run the hotel in the midst of the Corona Disaster. I thought to myself that I had done a good job, but that thought turned out to be a mistake. Running a hotel in the midst of the Corona disaster was a test from God for me. And the guests I met during the Corona disaster were a gift from God. Today, I remembered once again how grateful I am to God.


We continue to see wonderful customers every day. Some of them have complicated families. When I see these guests happy, cheerful, and enjoying their precious trip, I can’t help but think about the meaning of travel in life and what hotels can do to help them enjoy their trip. A hotel is a friend for a short stay, but it is also a hotel that can brighten or darken a precious moment in a guest’s life. I realized once again that such guests are a gift to me as a hotel owner.


Finally, the Corona disaster is over in Japan, and we will be able to welcome foreign tourists to this hotel starting in the summer. On the other hand, I will never forget the Japanese guests who have supported me for the past two years or so, and I will continue to work with sincerity and gratitude, thinking only of making their lives wonderful, which God has given to me.

明けましておめでとうございます!A happy new year 2022!

皆様明けましておめでとうございます。HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSAも無事開業から2年を迎えました。開業してすぐに世界中がコロナ禍に襲われ、ホテルの経営も大変な時期がありましたが、皆様に支えて頂いて何とかホテルの経営を続けることができています。

Happy New Year everyone! HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSA has  managed to be in business for two years. As soon as we opened, the whole world was hit by the COVID 19 pandemic and we had a difficult time running the hotel, but thanks to the support of everyone, we have managed to keep running the hotel.


Over the past two years, I have had the pleasure of meeting many wonderful customers. I have also been able to hear wonderful stories about Japanese people who are active overseas. I felt like I was traveling abroad even though I was in Japan, eating and drinking with the guests, like they were my friends and family even though they were my guests. The hotel wants to provide a wonderful experience for its guests, but in fact, we are the ones who enjoy the wonderful experience offered by our guests.


The COVID 19 pandemic may continue this year, but we hope to become a hotel that is like a  home for people from overseas when they stop by Japan. We also believe that the day will come again when foreign guests will visit Japan for sightseeing, although it may not be soon, and we have made various introductory videos so that they can experience the “real Japan,” the “real Tokyo,” and the “real Asakusa” that are not in the guidebooks. You can find many of them here, so please take a look.


And finally, here is a video we made today showing New Year’s Eve in Asakusa. We’d love to hear your thoughts on it!

酉の市 Tori-no-ichi

浅草の名物祭りの一つ「酉の市」がいよいよ11月9日と21日に開かれます!商売繁盛を祈ってみんなが浅草の鷲神社(おおとりじんじゃ)に訪れて熊手を買うこの祭り、熊手を売るお店もたくさんありますし周りの道路がみんな屋台になって買い物する人たちで溢れかえります。熊手を買う時のお店の掛け声も名物。実は鷲神社はHOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSAから徒歩わずか5分!皆さんぜひ酉の市を見に来て、ついでにHOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSAにも寄ってください!

One of Asakusa’s most famous festivals,  “Tori-no-ichi” will be held on November 9th and 21st. Everyone comes to Asakusa’s Ootori Shrine to pray for business prosperity and buy rakes, and there are many stores selling rakes. The shouting of the stores when you buy a rake is also a specialty. In fact, Ootori Shrine is only a five-minute walk from HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSA! If you come to see the Tori-no-ichi, be sure to stop by HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSA while you’re there!

酉の市 Tori-no-ichi  http://otorisama.or.jp/kotoshi.html

お客様との楽しい食事 Fun dinner with our guest


Finally, Japan seems to be heading towards the end of the COVID 19 pandemic. Our hotel has been welcoming many guests, and yesterday, we had a memorable guest check out! 


A couple who had spent 14 days in voluntary quarantine from overseas. After the quarantine, they went on a trip and stayed at our hotel again. Now that the quarantine period is over and the emergency declaration in Japan has ended, we were able to have our long-awaited “drinking party” with the guest couple and us.


We had a wonderful time talking over sake at a soba noodle restaurant in Asakusa, where celebrities often secretly visit. We had a wonderful time talking about everything from the entrepreneurial activities of the guests to the private lives of the couple. After that, the couple seemed to have enjoyed the hidden restaurants I introduced to them during their stay in Asakusa again.


We receive gifts from our guests, bring gifts in return, and have fun conversations with them. We will continue to strive to be a “humanistic intersection” that is different from ordinary hotels. I’m uploading more and more videos of the best parts of Asakusa and Tokyo on this site. We’ll be making more videos in the future, so please look forward to them!

Tokyo experience page




第一弾は千葉の小江戸「佐原」の紹介。下記の動画をご覧下さい。「Tokyo Experience Guide」のページにも掲載しました。これからどんどん動画を制作・掲載しますのでお楽しみに!

The pandemic by COVID-19 is still going on, but hopefully next year we might be able to welcome guests from abroad again.

We want to offer “never met experiences in Tokyo” for the guests. We want to offer brand new attractiveness of Tokyo that isnot written in guidebooks.

We start total renewal of HP of this hotel. We want to introduce unknown sightseeing spots, experiences and others that is not written in guidebooks through video format.

First video is about “Sawara”, Little Edo in Chiba. Please see the movie below. This video can also be seen in the “Tokyo experience guide” page. We will produce more movies, please watch out!

東京オリンピック Tokyo Olympic Games


Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 stated from July 23rd. Our hotel ought to have welcomed many foreign travelers from overseas in this Olympic term, but unfortunately now we have no spectators due to COVID 19. But still this is a very precious opportunity for people all over the world to see Japan. Please enjoy Olympic Games, please enjoy sceneries of Tokyo!


JNTO (Japan National Tourism Organization) released a very impressive video, please enjoy.


Japan is still suffering from COVID-19, but we have a lot of great meetings in this hotel. We recently touched upon great faith of our guest, we also recently have a great conversation with an owner of a curry restaurant in Asakusa – we are now confident foreign travelers will soo come back to Asakusa! I will soon re-design the website of our hotel, will introduce more attractiveness of Tokyo and Asakusa. Please watch us!