河口湖のラベンダー Lavender in Kawaguchi Lake


Furano in Hokkaido is famous for lavender, but in fact we can enjoy full of lavender just less than two hours from Tokyo by car – Lake Kawaguchiko, just beside Mt. Fuji. Now “Lake Kawaguchiko Herb Festival” is held so I visited there.


Please see the lavenders below.


After seeing lavender, we enjoyed “Hoto” – Yamanashi’s delicious local noodle dish with thick hearty noodles cooked with seasonal mushrooms, chicken, pork, fried bean-curd, pumpkin etc.

Lake Kawaguchiko https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e6906.html


P.S. There is a very good hotel operated by a friend of us in Lake Kawaguchiko. Please stay in this hotel when you visit Lake Kawaguchiko, quite near Fujisan station!



長く滞在頂いたお客様への感謝、そして不動産業のご紹介 Appreciation for a long stay guest and introduction of housing service


As I am managing a hotel, this is my fate to fall apart with guests. But a recent farewell is a special one.


A guest of husband and wife started staying at our hotel from last September when they came back from US for self quarantine. They liked this hotel in Asakusa and said they will stay in this hotel until they find a good job. They stayed in our hotel until this May, stayed for more than 8 months.


We exchanged sweets, enjoyed festivals, talked about their updates for occupations. Room keeping of every week was also s good habit for us. They finally got a good job and wanted to find a new room – this is just the timing for me to utilize my another occupation as a housing representative. We started finding a good room together, looked for many rooms and we finally succeeded to find the best room for the guests. They started a new life in the room we introduced from this month.


I, the owner of this hotel got license of housing representative in order to look for the place to build this hotel, but I feel joy to utilize this license for hotel guests. We are currently having two requests from hotel guests to look for the room after they stay in our hotel.

HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSAでは滞在客の皆様のお部屋探しもお手伝いします。気軽にご相談ください。

HOTEL LITTLE BIRD OKU-ASAKUSA can help guests to find a room in Japan. Please fell free to consult us.

最近の素敵なお客様 Recent great guests


Recently we welcome many guests who saw official website of our hotel and directly books our room. We also welcomed great guests recently so hereby let me introduce those guests.


A guest coming back to Japan from Cambodia and stayed in our hotel for self quarantine – he gives us sweets and tea of Cambodia for souvenir. We gave him Asakusa sweets for return, and then we exchanged sweets repeatedly during his stay. After having good relationship, he introduced us a Japanese whistle teacher so that we can create a new experience menu of our hotel. We really appreciate him.

そして、アメリカから帰国されたお母様と4歳のお嬢さん。この4歳のお嬢さんが毎日管理人室に来てくれて私に「Hey, look!」と言って買ってきたおもちゃやらお菓子やらを見せてくれ、とても楽しい滞在でした。お客様がチェックアウトされるとき、家族が旅立つのを見送るような気分になりました。

We also welcomed mother and a daughter of 4 years old from US. This 4 years old girl visited my room every day, says “Hey look” and show toys and sweets she bought, gave us a lot of fun. I felt like sending a family when they checked out…

こんな素敵なお客様がホテルのGoogle Mapに素敵なメッセージを寄せてくれています。こんな素敵な思いを味わえて幸せです。

Those great guests gave us great messages to out Google Map page. We feel happy having this great experience!


浅草の桜は世界一 World’s best cherry blossom in Asakusa


Japan is now a season of cherry blossoms – our hotel is located in Asakusa, one of the most beautiful cherry blossoms in Japan can be seen, but really sorry we cannot let foreign travelers see this cherry blossoms due to COVID 19. Hereby let us share the photos taken today.

隅田公園 Sumida Park

山谷掘公園 Sanyabori Park

今戸神社 Imato Shrine


Hope Many foreign travelers can see this beautiful cherry blossom next year!

湯島天神の梅 Plum tree in Yushima Tenjin


Spring has come to Japan! Spring of Japan begins with blooming plum flowers. Kairakuen, located in Mito, Ibaragi prefecture, is famous for plum flowers, but we have another plum flower spot in Tokyo – Yushima Tenjin, This shrine enshrines Michizane Sugawara who is famous for super intelligence so Michizane Sugawara is also known as a god of examination, many students who prepare for examination rushes to Yushima Tenjin for wishing. Today we visited Yushima Tenjin to see blooming plum flowers, please take a look.


It has been a year since foreign travelers cannot come to Japan, we feel really pity that we cannot guide foreign travelers to this beautiful scenery of Japan. We hope this COVID-19 pandemic will be soon over and we can guide foreign travelers to this beautiful scenery of Japan soon.

Yushima Tenjin https://www.japanvisitor.com/japan-temples-shrines/yushima-tenjin

2021年新年の浅草寺 Sensoji temple, a new year of 2021


A happy new year! as this is a beginning of 2021, I visited Sensoji temple in the midnight of a new year day. People was far less than last year – probably due to absence of foreign travelers, cancelation of all night operation of trains, serious spread of coronavirus… but still many people visits a new year pray to Sensoji temple.


We welcomed guests to all rooms this year again – managed to run this hotel for a year, welcomed a lot of great guests, this is really a joy for us, and we hope we can give joy to more guests as we have Olympic games this year. Wish 2021 is a happy year for you!

嵐の3歳児との思い出 Memories with the stormy 3 years old boy


Fell on guest loss again. This time it is caused by the three years old boy who checked out today. He shined our hotel for the last two weeks like a real family.


The three year old boy appeared in front of me with his mother in Haneda Airport two weeks ago. I drove them from airport to the hotel for just 3 minutes but he says the drive was such a fun, which pleased me a lot. For the last two weeks he visits my room everyday and asks a lot of questions (air conditioners, personal computers, my clothes…), when he leaves my room he always waves hands, says bye-bye. He runs and jumps in the room naturally as he is just three years old, but his smile makes everybody happy.


This morning when I sent off the boy with his mother, I really missed him just like I was separated with my family. The last moment I saw him was in the taxi, he waved hands and said bye-bye as always, and I will never forget this scene… But this is probably what hotel business is like, create family everyday, miss family everyday. I really thank this boy who brings happiness to me and our hotel!

浅草寺の羽子板市 Battledore market in Senso-ji Temple


The year of 2020 will soon be over – and what is famous event of a year end in Asakusa is “Hagoita-ichi” (Battledore market)in Senso-ji Temple. Shops are fewer than usual year due to Coronavirus, but still you can see variety of shops of battledores. Battledore market is open until tomorrow (19th), please visit Asakusa!


Autumn leaves are also very beautiful in Tokyo now! The most famous autumn leaves in Tokyo can be seen in Rikugi-en. Please see photos of beautiful autumn leaves in Rikugi-en that I took recently.


Tokyo is really beautiful now. Hope Coronavirus is controlled next year and all of the world travelers can see this beautiful scenery.

開業1周年の花 Flower gift for 1st anniversary


December has come. Hotel Little Bird Oku-Asakusa will be 1 year since open. Last December, I was struggling to prepare for health center’s check, was quite worried whether I can smoothly get the license of of hotel business. We got the shock of COVID 19 this year, but still we managed to continue welcoming guests – we are so happy now.


One of our guests who has been staying here for long period sent us a flower – really impressed us a lot. What we can do is to offer a place where guests can comfortably enjoy their lives everyday, and we need to do the best effort.

浅草の酉の市 Tori-no-ichi Festival in Asakusa


A vary famous festival in Asakusa which is held at the end of the year is Tori-no-ichi in Otori Shrine. This festival is so famous that Ichiyo Higuchi, a famous female author has viewed how great this festival is in her famous novel “Takekurabe”. Merchants in Asakusa come to this festival to buy Kumade (rakes) to wish good business. This Tori-no-ichi festival is held on Nov 2nd / 14th / 26th this year and I visited this festival on 14th.


Full of food stalls around Otori Shrine! So many people! World is suffering from COVID 19, but here is a different world.


Finally arrived at Otori Shrine. We heard a letter from this shrine is required to enter, but actually it was not necessary, only required to submit “health check sheet”. This year we could see thousands of Kumade (rakes)!


This year we bought this cute Kumade for the first time! We hope next year COVID 19 will be constrained and we can welcome more travellers!


You can enjoy third Tori-no-ichi Festival on Nov 26th, please enjoy this festival!


Addition : Autumn leaves are very beautiful in Tokyo now. Hereby we upload Ginkgo tree photo which is in Jingu Gaien and was taken yesterday. We hope next year more foreign travelers can see famous beautiful autumn leaves in Japan…